State Accreditation

On March 22, 2005, the South Dakota Board of Education approved new administrative rules for District Accreditation and Improvement. Administrative Rules 24:43 outline the process for required school improvement plans for all public and private school districts that wish to maintain or seek state accreditation.

The accreditation process also includes the requirement for a review of each district, in 5-year cycles 
ARSD 24:43:02:05. The purpose of the review is not only regulatory but also intended to aid schools in the constant school improvement process. Requirements for the review can be found in ARSD 24:43:02:06. All currently accredited schools and districts must host a review for accreditation. If a district is currently accredited by an external accrediting agency, such as Cognia (AdvancEd), the district must still host a visit from the State.

State Accreditation

Last Review: 2022-2023 School Year

Cognia Accreditation

For more than 125 years, schools have been inviting Cognia and our legacy agencies, NCA CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI, into their classrooms. Why? Because we go beyond evaluating school quality. We provide trusted expertise and actionable ideas that move the needle on school quality.

Accreditation is the launchpad for school improvement. Based on rigorous research-based standards and evidence-based criteria, the process probes the whole institution—from policies to learning conditions and cultural context—to determine how well the parts work together to meet the needs of every learner.

Accreditation isn’t about passing a one-time inspection—it helps education providers meet improvement goals and sustain commitments to better learner outcomes.

The institution types we service include:


Cognia Performance Standards 

Cognia Performance Standards are at the heart of continuous improvement and accreditation. They define the characteristics of a good education institution and provide guidelines for efforts that will energetically and visibly grow learners, teachers, leaders, and organizations.

Last Review: 2022-2023 School Year

Lennox School District Cognia Accreditation

Cognia Circle of Excellence Award 2023

Cognia Circle of Excellence Press Release 2023

Cognia Circle of Excellence Award 2023