Junior High & High School Building Addition

On May 09, 2023, residents of Lennox School District passed a $17,000,000 bond with 74% voter approval to complete an addition to the junior high/high school facility. The addition includes the following:
Remodeling the kitchen and cafetorium areas to accommodate two serving lines
An auxiliary gym
A new weightroom
Two new varsity locker rooms
A performing arts center with up to 900 seats
A new designated activities lobby and concession stand
In addition to these items, we will also include the construction of four to six tennis courts south of the high school in the bid package. We’ve been exploring a variety of options over the past few years to accommodate our growing tennis program. We’ve reached the conclusion that the most efficient way for us to build tennis courts is to include it as a part of this project. While we would have flexibility to pay for the tennis courts with bond proceeds, it is likely most funding will come from our capital outlay fund and grants. This will be done as an add alternate to the bid, giving the school board the flexibility to reject this portion of the project should it not fit within our priorities.
Please visit the links on this site for the most recent information. We will periodically update this site with new information as the project progresses.