Robbin Symens
Food Service Director
605-647-2203 ext. 5010

Kristi Abbas
Lunch Account Bookkeeper
605-647-2203 ext. 5011
Breakfast Serving Times:
Lennox Elementary 7:50 - 8:20 am
Worthing Elementary 7:55-8:20 am
LWC Intermediate 7:50-8:20 am
JR/SR High School 7:45-8:15 am
K-12 $2.00
K-6 $3.20
7-12 $3.40
Adult Meal Prices:
Adult Breakfast $3.00
Adult Lunch $5.00
Students can have a second milk for $.60 (ala carte item)
Kindergarten Milk is $40 each semester
About Food Service:
The Lennox School District is a school-operated lunch program and is open to serve students a healthy breakfast and lunch at a reasonable price. The schools in the Lennox District are on a computer system (Infinite Campus) for keeping records of lunch charges. All students in the family are under one account. However, each student has their own lunch ID number. This number is used as they go through the lunch line to purchase their meal. A photo of the student shows on the screen as their number is entered to assure the identity of the student. No students lunch status shows on the computer screen when they put their number in. (free, reduced or paid)
You can check your student’s lunch account and make payments at the school website when you log onto Infinite Campus. There is a $3.00 charge to make an online payment. There is a link on the food service page on how to make online payments. Parents will be able to make a payment online if they choose or send a payment with their student to any school office. Payments received after 8:30am will be posted the next day. If you send cash, please write the last name of your youngest student on the envelope or memo line on a check. The lunch program is a pre-payment program--not a credit program. It is the parent’s responsibility to maintain a positive balance in their child’s account. Upon request, a refund of account balances will be given if the family is leaving the district or if the graduating student is the last student in the family. If you have returning students in the fall the balance in your lunch account stays for next year for your student to use. When seniors graduate, if they are the last one in the family they can be reimbursed for their balance.
Free/Reduced App. Information:
Free and reduced price meals are available for families. You can pick up a form at any of the school offices or use a link on the food service page to print a F/R application. Families can also call the food service office and request an application to be mailed to you. If you have received a Notice of Direct Certification for free meals, you do not need to complete an application you automatically qualify. If you qualified for free or reduced prices the previous year, you must re-apply again each school year. Families can apply after July 1 for the following year, the food service office will also be taking apps on the district registration day in August. You can apply at any time during the school year if your income or family size changes. If you qualify for either status, only the breakfast and lunch meal is at a free or reduced price, not ala carte items such as second milks. The Food Service department is more than willing to answer any questions you may have when filling out an application. Kristi.Abbas@k12.sd.us
There are 5 food components offered with the reimbursable meal (milk, fruits, vegetables, grains, meat/meat alternates). Students in grades 5-12th are allowed to decline 2 of the 5 required food components, but must select at least ½ cup of either a fruit or vegetable to be charged the meal price. If the student does not have a ½ cup of vegetable or fruit they will be charged ala carte prices. It’s the household’s responsibility to pay for ala carte items, which includes double entrees and second milks
Diet Forms:
The school will make substitutions to the regular meal pattern for children who have a restricted diet. A ‘Special Diet Request Form' must be filled out and signed by a physician. This form can be picked up at any of the school offices or printed from the link on the food service web page. Food Service will also have forms available on registration day. A new Special Diet Form must be turned in at the beginning of each school year. Please call if you have any questions.
Unpaid lunch account Policy:
All families are encouraged to apply for free or reduced meal price benefit. Any family with a negative balance will receive written notification and a free/reduced application to encourage them to apply. Ala cart purchases are the households responsibly.
Emails or telephone calls are sent out daily for balances of $15 or less. When your lunch account is -$20.00, the Lunch Account Bookkeeper will contact the parents. Please check your account often to keep a positive balance at all times.
If your balance is $0, to -$30.00 Your student will still be able to have a reimbursable lunch meal but will not be able to charge a breakfast meal or any ala cart items, this includes double entrees and second milks. When the balance is more then-$30.00, K-12 will receive a reimbursable alternate meal until a deposit is made into your lunch account.
Pay It Forward Lunch Account:
Lennox has a “Pay it Forward” lunch account. This is an account in which anyone can make a donation to help a family in need. Anyone wishing to make a donation can write, “Pay it Forward” on the memo line on the check. Donations are used for the reimbursable meal. With administration and teacher input, the Food Service Director and Lunch Account Administrator will decide where the most need is for the Pay It Forward account. I would like to thank everyone who has ever made a donation to the Pay It Forward lunch account.
Please call or email if you have any questions.