Lennox JH-HS

10/15/21 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS

 Good afternoon, Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:

 Humanity Launch Assemblies

On Thursday, our High School Students will be attending assemblies focusing on building school culture, student leadership and taking pride in yourself and your school. Our staff and Student Council & Unity Council had work sessions with the leaders of this assembly on Monday to guide and personalize the event for us. It should be a great day!!

Junior and Senior Assembly – 8:30-11:30                        Freshman and Sophomore Assembly 12:30-3:30

 Flu and COVID shots will be available to students – Sign-up Information was sent out in a separate email.

Flu shots 10/20 @ 8:30am

COVID shots 10/27 from 4-7pm at the High School

 ACT Prep Reminders

Dates: October 24, October 31, November 7, November 14, November 21, November 28, December 5

Time: 1-5pm

Location: Lennox High School

Register for the ACT test – click here for dates of future tests and registration deadlines

 Saturday School

We will be running Saturday School again this year for students with 5 or more missing assignments. Saturday School will occur from 9-11am on the following dates: October 16, November 13, December 11, January 15, and February 12. Additional dates may be added. Students with 5 or missing assignments received their notification of Saturday School on Tuesday, October 12, if they had 5 or more missing assignments. Students had the remainder of the week to reduce their missing work to less than 5 to avoid attendance.

 Lennox After Prom

November 20– Lennox After-Prom Tournament boys/girls grades 3-8; $175/team, 3 games guaranteed, paid referees. Contact Melissa Daugherty at 212-5197 or register at Tourney Machine. https://tourneymachine.com/E95338

 Student Council

Halloween is quickly approaching! Keep an eye out for Halloween Costume Contest information on Instagram and in the hallways!

 On October 17th the Lennox Sundstrom FFA will be hosting Zoo Boo.

We encourage all community members to come and see the animals and participate in the fun of Halloween. We encourage you to dress up in your best costume for this event! We will be open from 5PM to 8PM and will be located at the Ag Barn just to the west of the high school building. Hope to see you there!

 After School study Sessions

After school study sessions are on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 each week.  Students with missing work, failing grades, tutoring needs or just a quiet space to work are invited to attend.

 Daily Attendance

Please be sure to call the JH-HS office if your student will be late, needs to leave early or will be gone for the entire day due to illness, appointments, etc. Darci Granum – Attendance Secretary – 647-2203 (ext. 5001)

 From the HS Counselor

- NCRC exam (November 3)– SENIORS and SENIOR Parents – please see page 2 for more information

- Juniors and Seniors: Are you interested in the military? The ASVAB is the perfect way to see what kind of jobs you could qualify for if you entered the military. It is also a great way to gain knowledge about student’s interests and skills to help match you with a career choice after high school. We will be administering the ASVAB on October 29th at 8:30 AM. Please sign up with Mr. Breske. The Deadline to sign up is October 22nd.

- Seniors: Remember to check the Scholarship News site on a regular basis https://tinyurl.com/auu7xzj2

College Visits during Lunch:

College Visits: October 20th Junior visit to SDSU – Contact Mr. Breske to sign up


Senior Parents and Guardians,

On November 3, all Seniors will take the NCRC exam at Lennox High School. Students will take 3 exams (Applied Math, Reading for Information, and Locating Information).     

Schedule for November 3: times are approximate, tests have rolling starts, room assignments will be posted in the Senior Hallway.

                                           8:30 – Exam 1 (Snacks available in between tests)

                                           9:45 – Exam 2

                                           11:00 –Exam 3

                                           12:30-12:55 – Lunch

                                           1:00-3:25 – follow your normal schedule

The National Career Readiness Certificate examination assesses an individual’s skill level in three areas deemed critical for employability: Reading for Information, Applied Mathematics, and Locating Information. ACT, the organization that developed the college testing standard, researched over 16,000 occupations before developing these three WorkKeys® assessments for the NCRC. Just as the ACT score indicates the college readiness of all students, the NCRC assesses the career readiness of all students and serves as a reliable predictor for workplace success of any applicant, student or adult. Thousands of private and public employers now ask for or require NCRC scores as part of the application process.

NCRC is awarded at four levels:  Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Each is an objective validation to employers anywhere in the U.S. that an individual has met or exceeded the necessary foundational skills for a percentage of the 16,000 occupations in the WorkKeys database. For example, a Gold certificate verifies that an individual has the necessary skills for 93% of occupations. An employer may use NCRC scores for baseline applicant screening; hiring and promotion decisions; and targeting employee training and development.

The school and students will be notified shortly after testing whether or not they earned a certificate.  Students that earn a certificate will also earn the day off from school on December 22, as a reward for their efforts. (Over the past 3 years, over 97% of Seniors at Lennox High School have earned a certificate.)

Whatever a student’s post-secondary educational plans – college/university, technical school, apprenticeship, or industry training – the NCRC is a critical addition to a student’s portfolio and résumé.

More information regarding this test can be found at: https://doe.sd.gov/Accountability/NCRC.aspx and at http://dlr.sd.gov/workforce_services/ncrc/ncrc_educators.aspx or contact Mr.

Breske or Mr. Allison.

Thank you!