In Worthing Elementary, with all this nice weather, some pesky flies are having fun during Dr. SEUSS Week for Book Character Day! Fly Guys, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and The Hungry Caterpillar were walking the halls all day!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
we dr. suess
The Junior High Jazz Band performed at the Augie Jazz Festival yesterday and sounded amazing!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
JH jazz band
Students in grades JK-2 enjoyed bowling in PE class today. There were even a few strikes!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
Bowling 1
bowling 2
Students in Ms. Brekke's music class are playing boomwhackers. They are pitched tubes that they play along to different songs to help students identify high, low, and medium pitches by playing along in an ensemble--and they’re just fun to play!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
boom whackers 1
boomwhackers 2
FFA officers were busy going around to classrooms teaching what FFA is and all about agriculture during FFA week!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
In 6th grade science students play review games such as Headbands and Pop to study important vocabulary.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
6th review
6th  review 2
More "Twos-day" fun from Mrs. Strasser's kindergarten class.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
strasser 2
2nd grade celebrated TWOSDAY yesterday! (2-22-22) Students read stories about Penguin PAIRS, did math activities with 2 and 22, and enjoyed DOUBLE stuffed Oreo cookies while they wrote about what it will be like when they are 22.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
jn 2
Government and World History students visited with SD Army National Guard members last week. It was a fun day of learning, tasting MRE’s and exploring rucksacks.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
AR 1
Lennox 8th graders attended JA Inspire today! JA Inspire is more than a career fair: It brings together the business community and local schools and is designed to help launch middle school students into their future—high school, college, and careers beyond.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
JA 1
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JA 3
Mrs. McVey's class participated in a Super Bowl Reading Challenge. Students on each team encouraged each other to complete their reading minutes and created a team name, logo, and decorated a helmet. A class party celebrated the end of the challenge. Pictured is the winning team.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
SB reading
School Board Appreciation week is February 21-25. Thank you to our board of education for their leadership and service to the school district.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
school bd recog
The 2nd graders in Lennox participated in music Olympics. This included speed skating rhythms, music terminology curling, instrument family speed puzzles, and rhythm basketball shooting. Each event was timed and the class with the shortest time took gold! Mrs. Lund’s class won.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
oly 1
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oly 4
Senior Night for Girls Basketball. Thank you Seniors and Senior Parents!!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
sr night
The Jr. Kindergarten class had an early Valentine's Day party with Mrs. Shade and Mr. Hinker's class . They made necklaces, played Valentine Bingo and Mrs. Shade surprised them with Valentine cookies!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
Hinker VD
Hinker VD 2
Hinker VD 3
Hinker VD 4
Our student-led groups performed at the basketball game. Great job to the jazz combo and winter drum line!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
drum line
jazz combo
Congratulations to our JH and HS All-State Band members!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
all state 1
all state 2
7th graders have been busy in computer class with FUSE studio. Activities like Solar Roller, Wind Commander, Music Amplifier and Spaghetti structures allow the students to use skills like problem solving, persistence, communication, and collaboration.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
KS 1
KS 2
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KS 4
K-12 Math Committee teachers engaging in their learning at the NCTM Conference.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
math conference
Sandy Richter from the Sioux Falls Outdoor Campus visited the Jr. Kindergarten class. She talked about animal tracks in nature in the winter.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
tracks 1
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