2-24-23 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS
Good afternoon Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:
Daily Attendance
Please be sure to call the JH-HS office if your student will be late, needs to leave early or will be gone for the entire day due to illness, appointments, etc. Darci Granum – Attendance Secretary – 647-2203 (ext. 5001)
2023 ALA Girls State – Junior Girls, please consider attending the American Legion Auxiliary South Dakota Girls State program this summer. For more information visit: ALA SD Girls State - Home and see Mr. Allison or Mr. Breske ASAP for registration materials.
JH Homework Link – The JH staff have put together a Homework page for students and parents to get a quick overview of what is happening each week in all of their classes: JH HOMEWORK
STC Engineering Camp - FREE Engineering Camp at STC this summer (June 5-8, 2023). I think this is a great opportunity for your students that are grades 9-12. The camp includes snacks, lunch, and transportation to industry sites. Space is limited. https://www.southeasttech.edu/news/2023/stc-to-host-free-engineering-camp.php
Governor’s Camp
2023 STEAM Summer Camp for Students entering 6th-9th grade. See Flyer on page 3. https://www.usd.edu/educationcamp
Governors Cyber Academy – The Governors Cyber Academy at Dakota State University (DSU) expands awareness of and access to cyber education and career pathways to students throughout the state of South Dakota and beyond. If you will be a Junior or a Senior next year, talk to Mr. Breske to learn more about this opportunity. Governors Cyber Academy - Dakota State University (dsu.edu)
2023 Summer Career Camps coming. Applications and information about the 2023 Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camps will be released this week. Hosted on South Dakota college campuses, these FREE five-day camps expose incoming 7th and 8th grade students to various career paths through fun, engaging, and hands-on learning.
Women in Science - 8th grade girls will be attending Women in Science on Monday March 6. We will leave shortly after the school day begins and be back by the end of the day. Lunch will be provided. Women In Science stimulates the interest in STEM careers by connecting the girls with local women already working in these professions. By providing contacts with potential mentors, we encouraged the young women to explore the possibilities available to them and to continue taking the math and science classes necessary to prepare them for careers in STEM fields. Bus is scheduled to pick us up at 8:45 and return us at 3:10.
SDSU Learning Expo – March 3rd - South Dakota State University is teaming up with Educators Rising of South Dakota to raise up the next generation of educators. High school students interested in a possible career in teaching will have the opportunity to learn what it means to be an educator at this all-day event. Breakout Sessions include: Ag Education, FACS Education, Early Childhood, Secondary Education, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Music. See Mr. Breske if you are interested.
School Counselor Update: Dual Credit, Scholarships, College Visits and more. Website is updated frequently so make sure to check it out whether your student is a Freshman or a Senior! https://justinbreske.wixsite.com/lennox-high-school-c
Scholarship of the Week:
Interested in healthcare? USD is hosting a scrubs camp where you can get hands on experience on March 7th!
Camps are tailored to the interests of the students in different areas. One thing’s for sure: You’ll get a full day to roll up your sleeves and do all sorts of cool things that'll give you a taste of what happens behind the scenes. Such as, learn how to set and cast a broken bone! See how physical therapists work with people after an injury. And more! We’ll even throw in some personalized career guidance! Spots are limited, so if you are interested, see Mr. Breske ASAP to get signed up. Flyer on Page 2
Semester of Work - Sioux Falls Police Department Lt. Nick Butler – March 2 @ 9am in Mrs. Voegeli’s classroom. Discover the path to a rewarding career in law enforcement. Visit with Mr. Breske if interested.
Chad Allison 7-12 Principal Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us