3-24-23 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS – 12:30 Dismissal on March 29
Good afternoon Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:
2023 SD American Legion Boys State – Juniors will have an informational meeting on March 23 to discuss Boys State. Visit www.sdlegion.org/boys-state/ for more information and registration.
2023-24 Cheer Tryouts – Informational Meeting on Thursday, March 30 during SRB – flyer on page 4
LHS Student Council – See flyer on page 3 for Information about Student Council Elections.
State Testing Dates
Juniors – April 25, 26 and 27 (Science, Math, ELA) – please note these dates have changed since the last update.
Junior High - Math March 20th for 15 min each day until finished, Lee March 27th - April 14th, Kruse April 17th -27th (open for 10 days only)
Lennox High School Art Show – Monday March 27 - see flyer on page 2.
JH Homework Link – The JH staff have put together a Homework page for students and parents to get a quick overview of what is happening each week in all of their classes: JH HOMEWORK
STC Engineering Camp - FREE Engineering Camp at STC this summer (June 5-8, 2023). I think this is a great opportunity for your students that are grades 9-12. The camp includes snacks, lunch, and transportation to industry sites. Space is limited. https://www.southeasttech.edu/news/2023/stc-to-host-free-engineering-camp.php
Governors Cyber Academy – The Governors Cyber Academy at Dakota State University (DSU) expands awareness of and access to cyber education and career pathways to students throughout the state of South Dakota and beyond. If you will be a Junior or a Senior next year, talk to Mr. Breske to learn more about this opportunity. Governors Cyber Academy - Dakota State University (dsu.edu)
2023 Summer Career Camps coming. Applications and information about the 2023 Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camps will be released this week. Hosted on South Dakota college campuses, these FREE five-day camps expose incoming 7th and 8th grade students to various career paths through fun, engaging, and hands-on learning.
School Counselor Update:
Pre-ACT March 29th @ 12:30Sophomores have the opportunity to take the Pre-ACT. It is a practice test that is designed to help students prepare for the official ACT exam. Taking the Pre-ACT can be a valuable tool for students who are planning to take the official ACT exam. It can help them prepare for the test, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and gain insight into their readiness for the exam. Spaces are limited. A Fee of $17.00 is due by Monday, March 27th. Contact Mr. Breske if you have questions.
Dual Credit Registration Opens April 1st!
Dual credit provides Juniors and Seniors with the ability to take college coursework while in High School. Contact Mr. Breske if interested in this opportunity.
Scholarships of the Week: See the scholarship document for how to apply as well as other scholarship opportunities. More Scholarship reminders are on page 5.
8-10th grade students…Your student received an invitation packet today for an educational tour to Washington, D.C., Gettysburg and Mt. Vernon on June 6 - June 9, 2024. Join us on: Thursday, March 30 at 6:00pm via Livestream for a short informational meeting where each traveler will be eligible for an Early Bird Scholarship of $500!
To RSVP, click here: http://bit.ly/3kQPj6l To join the meeting, simply click this link: https://schooltrip.us/LennoxSD24
Don’t miss out - Ms. Kasey Trocke - 7-12 Ag/FFA - Ms. Tresa Thill - HS English
Chad Allison 7-12 Principal Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us
Lennox High School Student Council Elections
Officer Elections
*Only current Student Council members can apply to be an officer for next year.
March 9: Officer applications become available
March 15: Officer applications due
March 23: Voting for 2022-2023 officers during our student council meeting
Senior President Election
*Only 2023-2024 seniors can apply
March 24: Position opens up. Interested 2023-2024 seniors should email Mrs. Peterson for an
March 31: Senior President applications due
April 3-6: After approval by Mrs. Peterson, Senior President posters may be hung in the hallways
April 6: Seniors will vote for their Senior President using infinite campus
Representatives Elections
*All interested 2023-2024 high school students can apply
April 5-6: Current student council members will talk with current 8th graders about student council
April 6: Positions open up. Interested 2023-2024 freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors should
email Mrs. Peterson for an application
April 14: Representative applications due
April 17-20: After approval by Mrs. Peterson, representative posters may be hung in the hallways
April 20: All students will vote for their class representatives using infinite campus
Mrs. Peterson’s email – Lindsay.peterson@k12.sd.us
Scholarship Due Dates