4-28-23 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS
12:30 Dismissal on Wednesday, May 3
Good afternoon Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:
National Honor Society Induction, Academic Awards and Scholarship Night – Monday, May 1 at 6pm in the Lennox JH-HS Cafetorium. NHS students will be presenting their community service projects on May 1 at 5:15 before Awards Night. Stop by to see what our students have been doing to help others.
8th-11th Graders – First drafts of your 23-24 schedules were handed out on Thursday, April 6. You can still make changes to your schedules through the end of the school year. Study halls and SRB’s will be added to your schedules in the “no class scheduled” spots. Students should have no more than two spots without a class.
2023 SD American Legion Boys State – Visit www.sdlegion.org/boys-state/ for more information and registration.
JH Homework Link – The JH staff have put together a Homework page for students and parents to get a quick overview of what is happening each week in all of their classes: JH HOMEWORK
JH Incentive Day Planning –
For 7th graders to qualify for incentive day participation: (May 25)
NO office referral for all of 2nd semester
15 minute wait time for each incident on behavior chart after April 1
5 minute wait time for each tardy after April 1
NO missing work (can join in if work gets finished)
For 8th graders to qualify for incentive day participation: (May 25, off campus)
NO office referral for all of 2nd semester
NO missing work
NO behavior chart incidences after April 1
Dual Credit Registration Opens April 1st!
Dual credit provides Juniors and Seniors with the ability to take college coursework while in High School. Contact Mr. Breske if interested in this opportunity.
LHS Semester of Work – Interested in a career in the electrical field…See Flyer on page 2
Scholarships of the Week: See the scholarship document for how to apply as well as other scholarship opportunities.
Showplace Cabinetry Scholarship | HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY – Who is eligible? • Applicant must be a high-school senior working for Showplace who began employment on or before September 01, 2023 or a high school senior son and/or daughter of a full-, regular or part-time Showplace employee who has a minimum of six months employment. • Applicant must be enrolling in college for the first time. | 04/30/2023 | (10) $500 |
Chad Allison 7-12 Principal Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us