9-22-23 - Weekly Update for Lennox JH and HS
Good afternoon Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:
EARLY DISMISSAL – 12:30 dismissal on September 27 for Teacher Common Planning.
After School Study Sessions – Our after-school study sessions began this week. They are from 3:30-4:30 pm on most Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday of each week.
SD Army National Guard - Sargeant First Class Steven Davis will be joining LHS Government, Civics, Sociology, and World History classes on Wednesday, October 11th and Thursday, October 12th for a special presentation on the SD Army National Guard.
Daily Attendance
Please be sure to call the JH-HS office if your student will be late, needs to leave early or will be gone for the entire day due to illness, appointments, etc. Darci Granum – Attendance Secretary – 647-2203 (ext. 5001). Darci.granum@k12.sd.us
From the Tech Department
Parents wanting access to the Parent Portal/Campus to check grades should contact Dawn.Timmerman@k12.sd.us for their username/password.
Free and Reduced Lunches
If your family was on the Free/Reduced Lunch program last year, a new application must be completed every year. F/R application (core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com)
Speech Contests Available for HS students
Students are encouraged to participate in a number of speech opportunities that offer opportunities to earn prizes and scholarships. The first one is the Voice of Democracy. This is open to any student grades 9-12 and is sponsored by the VFW. Students can earn prizes at the local level, state level, and national level. The second one is the American Legion Oratorical contest that focuses on the Constitution. If you or your student would like more information about any of these opportunities, please contact Mike Larson at michael.larson@k12.sd.us.
Prevention Counselor News
Please see pages 2-3 for information from Carrie Ishmael, the Lennox School District Prevention Counselor.
Chad Allison 7-12 Principal Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us