Lennox JH-HS

12-1-23 - Weekly Update for Lennox JH and HS

Good afternoon Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:

After School Study Sessions – Our after-school study sessions have begun.  They are from 3:30-4:30 pm on most Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday of each week.

ACT PREP – The next ACT Prep session will be on Thursday, December 7, in Mr. Person’s classroom from 6 to 8:30pm.


JH Household/personal hygiene donation drive – JH Student Council is collecting items!  See page 6.


HS WINTER FORMAL – December 2, 8-11:30pm.  See poster on page 2.


American Legion of SD – Boys State (Juniors and Seniors Boys) – see flyer on page 3.  Apply now!


SD Highway Patrol and American Legion – Youth Trooper Academy (All Juniors and Seniors) – see flyer on page 4.  Apply now!


HS Counselor Updates:

Dual Credit Enrollment closing soon! Deadline is December 21st

If you are a Junior or Senior student interested in taking dual credit courses in the Spring, contact Mr. Breske for information and details on how to sign up. Spots are fulling up fast, so students should consider signing up ASAP.


ASVAB Test Scheduled January 11 @ 8:30 AM


Senior Reminders – these reminders have been sent to Senior students throughout the Semester…

Seniors should have the following completed in their College/Tech School planning process:

  1. Application to desired school(s) completed
  2. If decided on school, Housing Application completed
  3. Applying to scholarships on their colleges website and/or searching for scholarships on Mr. Breske's scholarship document: https://tinyurl.com/bdfb4zcs

USD/SDSU Scholarship deadlines are December 1st.

Chad Allison                                   7-12 Principal                                 Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us