12-22-23 - Weekly Update for Lennox JH and HS
Good afternoon Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:
Early Dismissal and Christmas Break – 12:30 dismissal on December 22. School resumes on January 4. High School will run an 8-period day on both Thursday and Friday (January 4 and 5)
American Legion of SD – Boys State (Juniors and Seniors Boys) – see flyer on page 2. Apply now!
SD Highway Patrol and American Legion – Youth Trooper Academy (All Juniors and Seniors) – see flyer on page 3. Apply now!
HS Counselor Updates:
ASVAB Test Scheduled January 11 @ 8:30 AM
Senior Reminders – these reminders have been sent to Senior students throughout the Semester…
Seniors should have the following completed in their College/Tech School planning process:
- Application to desired school(s) completed
- If decided on school, Housing Application completed
- Applying to scholarships on their colleges website and/or searching for scholarships on Mr. Breske's scholarship document: https://tinyurl.com/bdfb4zcs