Lennox JH-HS

1-12-24 - Weekly Update for Lennox JH and HS

Good afternoon Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:

 American Legion of SD – Boys State (Juniors and Seniors Boys) – see flyer on page 2.  Apply now!

 SD Highway Patrol and American Legion – Youth Trooper Academy (All Juniors and Seniors) – see flyer on page 3.  Apply now!

Prom Fundraiser - As a fundraiser for prom, juniors will be selling Bundtlets made by Nothing Bundt Cakes.  Order forms and money are due to Mrs. Thill by Wednesday, January 25th.  Delivery will be on February 2nd.    Bundtlet certificates that can be redeemed at any time in the bakery will also be available for purchase. See the attached flyer for more information or contact Mrs. Thill.  See page 6.

 See pages 4-5 for Prevention Counselor Updates.

 HS Counselor Updates:

Senior Reminders – these reminders have been sent to Senior students throughout the Semester…

Seniors should have the following completed in their College/Tech School planning process:

  1. Application to desired school(s) completed
  2. If decided on school, Housing Application completed
  3. Applying to scholarships on their colleges website and/or searching for scholarships on Mr. Breske's scholarship document: https://tinyurl.com/bdfb4zcs


Chad Allison                                   7-12 Principal                                 Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us