9/17/21 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS
Good afternoon, Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:
Homecoming Updates
See below for Homecoming flyers with more information. Homecoming NEWS, FCCLA Walkathon, 5th Quarter, Parade Route and Oriole Olympics.
After School study Sessions
After school study sessions are on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 each week. Students with missing work, failing grades, tutoring needs or just a quiet space to work are invited to attend.
Habits of Mind
We are studying Habits of Mind this year during SRB. Each week we will focus on one of the sixteen Habits of Mind. During week 1 we focused on Persistence. Managing Impulsivity was our focus for week 2.
Daily Attendance
Please be sure to call the JH-HS office if your student will be late, needs to leave early or will be gone for the entire day due to illness, appointments, etc. Darci Granum – Attendance Secretary – 647-2203 (ext. 5001)
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is served daily from 7:45-8:15. Student meals, breakfast, and lunch, are available at no cost again this year. Ala Carte items and second entrees are available for additional cost.
From the Tech Department
Students should take care not to over pack their bags while their computers in them. This has been causing some damaged screens.
From the HS Counselor
Seniors: Remember to check the Scholarship News site on a regular basis - https://tinyurl.com/auu7xzj2
Dual Credit News
Junior and Senior Parents, if your student is taking a dual credit course, make sure to check account balance to ensure you have paid for the course(s) your student is in. Check initial registration email for information about how to pay your bill.
FAFSA Information Night – Thursday, October 7, at 6-7pm in the LHS Cafeteria during Parent Teacher Conferences.
Homecoming Week News
Our homecoming theme for this year is Oriole Olympics.
The dress up theme days for Homecoming week (Elementary and Intermediate may have different themes)
Monday – Greek Life (Togas and matching college gear for sororities and fraternities)
Tuesday – Tacky Tourist
Wednesday – Triple Threat (Three people - one player, one coach, one fan)
Thursday – Class Colors (12 - blue, 11 - red, 10 - green, 9 - Yellow, 8 - Orange, 7 - Black)
Friday - Oriole Spirit Friday (Show everyone how much you love being a Lennox Oriole!)
Just a reminder of some dates to be aware of during Homecoming Week, so you can cheer on the Orioles!
-Monday, Sept. 20
-Boys Varsity Conference Golf Meet at Madison Golf and Country Club
-Girls Varsity Tennis at Sioux Falls Lincoln High School
-Freshmen and JV Football at Dell Rapids
-Coronation at 8pm
-Tuesday, Sept. 21
-Girls Varsity Tennis Triangular at Milbank
-Boys Varsity Golf Conference Meet at Elk Point Jefferson
-Junior High Football versus Dell Rapids
-Junior High Volleyball at Dakota Valley
- Wednesday, Sept. 22
-FCCLA Walkathon (see page 3)
-Thursday, Sept. 23
-Cross Country at Sioux Center
-Volleyball versus West Central
-Friday, Sept. 24
-Homecoming Parade at 1:30
-Football versus Vermillion at Lennox with Band pregame and halftime
High School Student Council is putting on the 5th Quarter for all Lennox High School students 20 minutes after the homecoming football game ends until 11pm. As long as it is not raining, the event will take place at the football field. We will have a variety of yard games and races. Students will compete to win tickets to then use toward a raffle for prizes. We currently have a great line up of prizes for the event from our generous local businesses. We will also have music, snacks, and drinks. If you would like to attend, please pay Mrs. Peterson $5 before 8:30am Friday, Sept. 24.
High School Student Council is also hosting Oriole Olympics the entire homecoming week between freshmen (Germany), sophomores (Ireland), juniors (Mexico), and seniors (USA). The classes will compete in several categories: daily dress up winners according to the theme of the day, daily fundraiser winners according to which class donates the most food for our local food pantry each day, a daily find the duck in the cafeteria or lobby for each lunch period and return it to Mrs. Peterson, most participation at Wednesday’s Walk-a-Thon, most attendance and spirit at Thursday’s volleyball game, least amount of missing work on a random day, Friday’s volleyball winner, Friday’s powderpuff winner, and the loudest class cheer at Friday’s pep rally. We will announce the winning class at the pep rally, and they will reign over the Oriole Spirit Stick and own bragging rights for the rest of the school year! Look for posters in the hallway and posts on Instagram for more information.
The daily fundraising competition for high school Oriole Olympics will be to benefit our local food pantry. Please consider donating nonperishable foods, cleaning supplies, and toiletry items. Freshmen will bring their donations to Mrs. Peterson’s room, sophomores to Mr. McVey’s room, juniors to Mrs. Voegeli’s room, and seniors to the office. We will take donations Monday through Thursday and the class that donates the most each day will earn points toward our Oriole Olympics competition.
5th Annual Lennox High School FCCLA Walk-a-thon
Dear Students and Parents and Staff,
The Lennox FCCLA organization would like to invite you to the fifth annual Orioles Homecoming Walk-a-thon! This event will help FCCLA members raise money for the FCCLA program. This partnership benefits our FCCLA chapter in their quest to support our local community. This activity promotes school involvement as well as reinforcing the importance of exercise and activity. This challenge is an extension of our effort to promote lifetime fitness and health in our students and community.
I am going to attempt to answer a few questions you may have about this fundraiser in the information to follow.
- What is a Walk-a-thon?
- How do we motivate the students??
- Why a Walk- a-thon?
- Extras
Students collect money from sponsors (friends and family members) who would like to donate money toward a great cause – health and education. We will collect money from Monday Sept. 13th (collection envelopes will come home this day) through our Wednesday Walk-a-Thon, Wednesday Sept 22th. Please return to your SRB teacher).
On the day of the walk- a – thon (Wednesday September 22th) if the entire SRB donated the SRB teacher can also participate in the walk-a-thon and wear athletic clothes that day!!! Whoever decided not to donate will stay in SRB. SRB will be from 8:15-9:40 am. The Walk-a-Thon will last from 8:30-9:30. First block will start at 9:40. The students and staff participating are given 60 minutes to walk as many laps as possible around the track. The SRB that collects the most money will receive a doughnut party during the following SRB compliments of Lennox FCCLA.
Parents, friends and relatives are invited to come and walk with the students on the day of the Walk-a-thon.
Music will be played over the loudspeaker.
Motivational Posters will be displayed around the track!
The students get to go outside for 60 minutes!
* Easier for parents/school – no delivery and products to sort through
* No catalogs to explain to people over the phone
* Promotes health throughout the school and community
* The program does not have to split money with another company – all profit
* Supports school spirit during homecoming week!
If it rains we walk inside!
MONEY IS DUE: Please turn in to your SRB teacher by Wednesday, September 22th!

Chad Allison 7-12 Principal Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us