11/5/21 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS
Good afternoon, Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:
Saturday School
We will have Saturday school November 13, from 9-11am, for students with 5 or more missing assignments. Saturday School Invitations will be handed out to students with 5 or more missing assignments on Monday. Students will have the remainder of the week to get worked turned in and reduce their missing work to less than 5 to remove themselves from the Saturday School list.
ACT Prep Reminders
Dates: October 24, October 31, November 7, November 14, November 21, November 28, December 5
Bring Laptop, ACT Prep Books, pen/pencil and calculator.
Time: 1-5pm
Location: Lennox High School
Register for the ACT test – click here for dates of future tests and registration deadline
Veterans Day Assembly
We will honor our Veterans at Lennox JH-HS on November 11, at 2:30pm in the Gym. This assembly is open to the public. Please do not plan to arrive before 2pm.
Lennox After Prom
November 20– Lennox After-Prom Tournament boys/girls grades 3-8; $175/team, 3 games guaranteed, paid referees. Contact Melissa Daugherty at 212-5197 or register at Tourney Machine. https://tourneymachine.com/E95338
After School study Sessions
After school study sessions are on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 each week. Students with missing work, failing grades, tutoring needs or just a quiet space to work are invited to attend.
Daily Attendance
Please be sure to call the JH-HS office if your student will be late, needs to leave early or will be gone for the entire day due to illness, appointments, etc. Darci Granum – Attendance Secretary – 647-2203 (ext. 5001)
From the HS Counselor
- NCRC exam (November 3)– SENIORS and SENIOR Parents – please see page 2 for more information
- For 2021, the college application week is being extended to almost six weeks as part of a broader College Access Campaign to allow more time for students to take advantage of a free application period. There are also no limits to how many institutions a student may apply to during this time frame, and it is open to everyone: College Application Week - Select Dakota
Dual Credit
Last day to drop a Dual Credit course is November 5th. If you plan on dropping a course, please see Mr. Breske for instructions.
Spring Dual Credit Registration opens November 1st. Please see Mr. Breske for registration assistance. https://tinyurl.com/kd874m9j
- Seniors: Remember to check the Scholarship News site on a regular basis https://tinyurl.com/auu7xzj2
SENIOR PARENTS: If your student plans on attending college or technical school next fall, please remember to fill out your FAFSA (Federal Application for Federal Student Aid) forms. https://tinyurl.com/3uxzuuu4
Senior Awards Night – May 2 @ 6pm Baccalaureate – May 11@ 8pm Graduation – May 14 @10am
School Lunch Information:
Lennox qualifies to serve the USDA free reimbursable meal to families this year. What this means is if your student gets the reimbursable meal the government will pay for your student's meal. Grades K- 6 are served the reimbursable free meal every day. If you see a .50 charge on your k-6 student's account, that is ala cart, Only one milk comes with the meal. Please talk to your student, they must be getting a second milk. The government is not paying for ala cart items, that is the households responsibility.
7-12th grade can refuse parts of the meal. If your 7-12th grade student chooses not to get the reimbursable meal, (no fruit or veggie) we charge your student ala cart prices. Your 7-12th grade student must have a 1/2 cup of fruit OR veggie on their tray to get the free meal. If they get a double entree, its $1.50 for the second entree. If they want just an entree, it's $2.00. Ala cart prices are the household's responsibility. I've attached some ala cart pricing on this email so you can get an idea of what your 7-12th grade students is charging.
I also want to remind you that with supply and demand for products being so unpredictable and crazy right now I have been making many menu changes. For k- 6, I made several changes on the November menu. I ordered French toast sticks when school started and have not yet received them. Now the Coby cheese omelets are hard to get. I know how much K-6 like their breakfast for lunch. These shortages are on a week-by-week basis. I put the change on Nutrislice as soon as I know we must change the menu. Since three schools share the k-6 menu, if only one elementary school has a change, then I email the building secretary and they share the email with parents. Please check the menu for changes every week.
Parents and students can get a free app on your smart phone for Nurtislice menus.
Thank you for your understanding, please email us if you have any questions.
Robbin Symens
Food Service Director
Lennox School District