11/24/21 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS
Good afternoon, Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:
Early Dismissal (12:30) on Wednesday, November 24. NO SCHOOL November 25 and 26. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Semester Test Information – Semester Tests will be taken from December 15 through December 22. Second Semester begins when we return from Christmas Break on January 4.
Saturday School
We will have Saturday school December 11, from 9-11am, for students with 5 or more missing assignments. Saturday School Invitations will be handed out to students with 5 or more missing assignments on Monday that week. Students will have the remainder of the week to get worked turned in and reduce their missing work to less than 5 to remove themselves from the Saturday School list
LHS Winter Formal – December 4, from 8-11:30pm. Attendance requirements: Guests from outside of LHS are allowed. All attendees must in grade 9 or higher and must be under 21. Tickets: $10 in advance ($15 at the door). TICKETS may be purchased in the front office and must be purchased by December 3. If you are looking for a place to donate artificial Christmas trees, please consider donating them to the Winter Formal committee at the high school – contact Tresa Thill. (see Flyer on page 4)
Second Semester Scheduling for HS
Over the next few weeks, students will have the opportunity to make adjustments to their second semester schedules. All schedule changes for second semester should be made prior to Christmas break. Students should plan to meet with Mr. Breske or Mr. Allison to fill in any gaps in their schedule, schedule Dual Credit classes, and make additions or changes.
ACT Prep Reminders
Dates: November 28, December 5
Bring Laptop, ACT Prep Books, pen/pencil, and calculator.
Time: 1-5pm
Location: Lennox High School
Register for the ACT test – click here for dates of future tests and registration deadlines
Pet Item Drive (see flyer – page 2) – Lennox National Honor Society news.
After School study Sessions
After school study sessions are on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 each week. Students with missing work, failing grades, tutoring needs or just a quiet space to work are invited to attend.
Daily Attendance
Please be sure to call the JH-HS office if your student will be late, needs to leave early or will be gone for the entire day due to illness, appointments, etc. Darci Granum – Attendance Secretary – 647-2203 (ext. 5001)
From the HS Counselor
2021-2022 STC Career Exploration Events for Sophomores - December 15, 2021, | 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Flyer on Page 3)
At this Career Exploration Day, students will have the opportunity to explore careers in the Healthcare, Business, Media Early Childhood, Law Enforcement, Industrial trades, Construction, and Information Technology sectors. See Mr. Beske if you plan to register so we can provide transportation. Students who attend will explore programs and careers based on the industry selected on the registration form.
- For 2021, the college application week is being extended to almost six weeks as part of a broader College Access Campaign to allow more time for students to take advantage of a free application period. There are also no limits to how many institutions a student may apply to during this time frame, and it is open to everyone: College Application Week - Select Dakota
Spring Dual Credit Registration opens November 1st. Please see Mr. Breske for registration assistance. https://tinyurl.com/kd874m9j
- Seniors: Remember to check the Scholarship News site on a regular basis https://tinyurl.com/auu7xzj2
-Admissions Visits: 11/29 NWICC 10:00 AM
SENIOR PARENTS: If your student plans on attending college or technical school next fall, please remember to fill out your FAFSA (Federal Application for Federal Student Aid) forms. https://tinyurl.com/3uxzuuu4
Senior Awards Night – May 2 @ 6pm Baccalaureate – May 11@ 8pm Graduation – May 14 @10am
Chad Allison 7-12 Principal Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us