Lennox JH-HS

3/25/22 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS   


Good afternoon, Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:


After School study Sessions

After school study sessions are on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 each week. Students with missing work, failing grades, tutoring needs or just a quiet space to work are invited to attend.


Lennox After Prom

Prom is just around the corner.  Here is your chance to help with the After Prom Party. Shoot me an email if you would like to donate to the prizes for the event.  We are accepting gift cards, college swag, items for a college dorm and pretty much anything a teenager would like. Prizes can be as small as bingo prizes to a futon for a dorm. Thank you for supporting the Lennox After Prom!   Melissa Daugherty melissa.daugherty@k12.sd.us


Prom 2022: Hollywood: a Red Carpet Event - Prom invitations were sent out on Wednesday.  Tickets will be available for purchase beginning March 28.  The cost is $20 per ticket.  The Grande March sign up list will also be available at that time.  Juniors - you can sign up to bring treats for prom here:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090D45ACA823A3F94-prom


Prom Safety - Carrie Ishmael, our Prevention Counselor, has provided a flyer focusing on Prom safety – see page 8. 


NHS - NHS students will be packing meals for Ukraine on April 5th at Kids Against Hunger in Sioux Falls.  If you would like to donate to this cause, please contact Mrs. Thill.  Students will leave school at 9:15 and return around 1:30. Students should bring money for lunch at Pizza Ranch.


Student Cell Phone Use Update

Student cell phones are expected to be put away during class time and should not disrupt class instruction and study times.  Students are allowed to use phones between class periods and during lunches.


Semester of Work

Our series work and internship opportunities continues with POET and Chirosport.  Please see the flyers on page 6 and 7 for more information.


Registering for HS Classes for 2022-3 School Year

Dual Credit Registration can begin on April 1. If you missed the presentations during Parent-Teacher Conference, please review the link for more information: https://5il.co/15srl

Course Registration Packet: https://5il.co/15svy.


Family Zone

We are excited to announce that we have partnered up with Family Zone, a leading education technology company, to provide our school communities with the highest quality of online safety and digital wellness education. See more on page 5.


Heart Screenings

We will be doing heart screens on March 28th.  Contact Brittany Klinger (Brittany.Klinger@k12.sd.us) for sign-up information and forms. See Flyer on Page 3


Notification of Spring Testing Dates – see page 2


Student Council Elections – see page 6


From the Tech Office

Students - Please remember to charge your laptops.  Once your battery drops below 10%, your laptop will start to conserve energy and shut down systems (i.e., internet/Wi-Fi connection) to reduce power use. 


Boys State – Understand the system of government, appreciate the responsibilities of citizenship and learn fundamental principles of leadership.  Open to Juniors and Seniors. Boys State – South Dakota American Legion (sdlegion.org)


Daily Attendance

Please be sure to call the JH-HS office if your student will be late, needs to leave early or will be gone for the entire day due to illness, appointments, etc. Darci Granum – Attendance Secretary – 647-2203 (ext. 5001)


From the HS Counselor

Seniors: Remember to check the Scholarship News site on a regular basis https://tinyurl.com/auu7xzj2


SENIOR PARENTS: If your student plans on attending college or technical school next fall, please remember to fill out your FAFSA (Federal Application for Federal Student Aid) forms. https://tinyurl.com/3uxzuuu4


Chad Allison                                                                       7-12 Principal                                                                     Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us

Notification of Spring Testing Dates for JH-HS


Math SB March 21st - April 8th

Reading SB 1st around the 1st week of April

SB Writing Task April 25th - May 2nd

8th grade Science – April 19-22




Reading NWEA April 25th -29th

Math NWEA May 2nd - 6th

Language NWEA May 9th -13th




Math – April 13

ELA – April 20

Science – April 27



Grades 9 and 10

May – exact dates TBD