9/2/22 – WEEKLY UPDATE from the JH-HS
Good afternoon Lennox JH-HS Students, Parents and Guardians:
Please review the link for our updated illness policy: https://5il.co/1h9hw
Daily Attendance
Please be sure to call the JH-HS office if your student will be late, needs to leave early or will be gone for the entire day due to illness, appointments, etc. Darci Granum – Attendance Secretary – 647-2203 (ext. 5001)
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is served daily from 7:45-8:15. Free/Reduced lunch applications are available on the school website.
Picture Retake Day
If you missed our District Registration Day last week or want a picture retaken, Scherling Photography will be back on the morning of September 14th to do picture retakes.
Home Events
All students are asked to sit in the stands/bleachers and cheer for the Lennox Orioles. Our first Home Football game will be on Friday!
Senior Parents
You should have received an email regarding locker decorating. Please have things ready to go and come from 4-6 on Sept. 18th to hang them.
From the Tech Department
Parents wanting access to Campus to check grades should contact Dawn.Timmerman@k12.sd.us for their username/password.
Student Cell Phone Use During the School Day
Students may use personal phones during lunch, between classes, and before or after school. Cell phones may not be used during class, SRB, or study halls. Phones will be confiscated for the class period or remainder of school day if in violation.
HOMECOMING INFORMATION – September 19-23 – “Homecoming Soon”
Monday- Top Gun (America Monday) - Coronation 8pm in the HS Gym
Tuesday- Inside Out (Wear class shirts) (Teachers wear the color for which class they want to win the competition)
Wednesday- Mean Girls (Pink Out) versus Men in Black
Thursday- Adam Sandler (Dress like your favorite Adam Sandler character from any movie)
Friday- Coming Soon-Orioles Defeat Watchdogs (The End of the Watchdogs) - Black and Orange Spirit Day! Parade at 1:30
Flyers: Educators Rising Event – see Flyer on page 2 Career Fair – see Flyer on page 3
ART NEWS: This year our school has been chosen to participate in the "Off the Fridge" program at the Washington Pavillion. Students will be allowed to submit original artworks of their choice that will be mounted on tag board, and displayed at the pavilion. The Pavilion will choose a day for the students to host a reception, have students come to talk about their piece, as well as interact with other artists displayed. It is usually chosen on the second Saturday of the month (each school will be chosen, and sent a letter with their date)
If your child would like their art displayed please have them bring it to the school to Mrs. Maras. The piece can be horizontal or vertical and should be 18"x24" or smaller. We are allowed 23 horizontal pieces, 24 vertical pieces, and 13 pieces that are vertical or horizontal that are smaller than 12"x18" for a total of 60 pieces to present.
Names must be listed on their artwork
Titles should also be given to Mrs. Maras
Please use the child's first name only if it is on the front of the art piece.
This is an optional test for Juniors that is a great way to practice for the ACT and SAT. The PSAT test could also qualify you for the National Merit Scholarship program. We are planning on administering the PSAT on October 12th , starting at 8:30 AM and wrapping up around 11:00 AM. The deadline to sign up is September 30th. Please let me know if you would like to sign up.
This is also an optional test. Are you interested in the military? The ASVAB is the perfect way to see what kind of jobs you could qualify for if you entered the military. It is also a great way to gain knowledge about student’s interests and skills to help match you with a career choice after high school. We will be administering the ASVAB on October 28th at 8:30 AM. Please sign up with Mr. Breske. The Deadline to sign up is October 21st.
SD College Access Campaign (October 3rd – November 30th)
Senior Students’ application fees are waived during this period to any South Dakota College or Tech School.
Prevention Counselor News – See page 4
Chad Allison 7-12 Principal Chad.Allison@k12.sd.us