In advanced physics, students are studying light and 2-dimensional wave phenomenon, specifically reflection and refraction. They have investigated and modeled light using ripple tanks, wave front motion maps, and ray diagrams.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
Light 1
Light 2
Light 3
Light 4
Mrs. Havrevold's 6th grade science classes researched, created, and presented on nonrenewable and renewable energy sources. They presented pros and cons on their assigned energy source. Attached is a picture of students presenting on hydropower.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
6th hydro
LHS Chemistry students were measuring calories (chemical potential energy) in different foods.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
chem 1
chem 2
The Worthing first graders are working hard every day to make sure they have fun at recess! Building snowmen and visiting their school pet (because you earned a reward) are two awesome ways to have fun at recess!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
In Government students are learning about the role of the president. Today in class, however, they are looking at parts of Kristi Noem's State of the State Address last week and discussing some of the issues she brought up in her speech!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
state cap
6th grade science students have been studying electricity and are now researching renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy that produce electricity.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
Last week, Mrs. McVey's Third Grade Class enjoyed learning about money during our first Junior Achievement lesson taught by JA volunteer, Audrea Buller. The JA lesson included learning how to play a new math game. Math Centers were also introduced!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
mcvey math
mcvey math 2
mcvey math 3
Advanced Physics was measuring waves passing through different mediums (water and glass) comparing the effects on wavelength.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
adv physics
The Lennox One Act Cast is putting the finishing touches on their play, “Law and Order: Fairy Tale Unit” with a week to go to competition. Competition is January 25 in Canton with a public performance in Lennox on January 31 at 7pm.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
one act
one acts 2
one acts 3
Students in Mr. Hale's 6th grade math class are measuring and making blueprints. Students are also doing a remodel project.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
6th math
6th math 2
Nora Soukup is Mrs. Henry's VIP. Nora goes above and beyond the expectations. She gets to sit at the VIP desk all week.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
nora vip
After 4 months, we are back in the AG and Building Construction classrooms!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
ag room
constr. room
Senior Math class was making human demonstrations of their favorite math functions (y = mX + b).
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
sr. math
Students in Mrs. Strasser class were surprised to find an igloo in their classroom. They enjoy using the igloo for reading activities.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
Mrs. Lund's class celebrated Christmas by inviting family members to participate in Gingerbread Day.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
ginger 1
ginger 2
ginger 3
ginger 4
Mr. Allison performed his annual Christmas song set during JH and HS lunches yesterday.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
Allison sing
Lennox JH-HS Winter concert featuring JH band, HS Band and Combined HS Band and Choir.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
winter concert
winter concert 2
Sixth grade band students played Christmas carols for some classes at Lennox Elementary. Thank you for the wonderful music!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
6th band
Yesterday, the 6th grade science class announced their first place Savvy Scientist winners for quarter two. These students demonstrated a positive attitude in class, gave 110% effort, and went above and beyond by completing challenge work. Congrats, teams!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
savvy Q2
savvy Q2 2
savvy Q2 3
savvy Q2 4
The Jazz Band started the day off at the high school with some Christmas tunes!
about 3 years ago, Dr. Conaway
jazz band