Mrs. Bartscher's kindergarten classroom loved to have Mr. Quail, Kelsey Schmidt and Noah Sayler visit to show us science experiments! Here are some photos from that time.
We were fortunate to have Brock Rops come to the Intermediate and talk to 6th grade students about failing forward. Great message!
Mrs. Lund's second grade class incubated and hatched baby chicks!
Lennox Sundstrom FFA had an awesome time in Oklahoma - great students, great experiences, and great memories made!!
Lennox School District's news, documents, staff, and events can easily be found on the App.
LHS Anatomy students visited the USD School of Medicine Cadaver Lab last week.
3rd grade held a Wax Museum last week. Students dressed as a person from history and presented information they researched to people as they dropped changed in their bucket. All money raised was donated to the Ford family who lost their home and belongings to a house fire.
Students in 5th grade math created zoos by using area and perimeter. They then took their information and used Minecraft to upload their zoo.
Thank you all for your outstanding leadership and for creating an environment where students can thrive. Your dedication, passion, and commitment have made a positive impact on our school community. We are grateful for your leadership!
Phase 1 of construction has officially begun!
Mrs. Terpstra, Mrs. Plank, Mrs. Kreider and Miss Austin took students to the circus and lunch. They all enjoyed the experience!
Few pictures from the first day of state convention - many students competed yesterday and finish competition today. Recognition for state degrees and proficiency is later today also!
Lennox had three students accepted into the SD Senior Honor choir out of around 230 auditions. Congratulations to all, and if you have an opportunity to attend the concert this summer, it will be well worth your while!!
The High School Student Council completed team building activities at Escape 605. A great time was had by all and everyone escaped of their room in time!
A few members of the LHS Chamber Choir sang at the Sioux Falls Stampede game and did a great job!
Congratulations to Mrs. Irish's 5th grade for claiming this year's March Madness Championship!
Lennox FFA hosted their annual CDE competition this week. Thank you to all of our community support to help make this event possible! Over 1400 students attended from area schools.
Lennox Oriole Softball played Canton for their first home game of the season!
Students from Lennox High School enjoyed time with Congressman Dusty Johnson today at the Level Up Youth Conference. Leadership and civility were a few of the insightful topics discussed today!
3rd grade students throughout the district got a chance to video conference with Mr. Kruse about digital archiving.