To celebrate Read Across America Week, 6th grade students visited Lennox JK and Kindergarten classrooms to read with students. Thank you for the invite, Lennox Elementary!

5th grade students participated in a Starbooks project where they determined which novel they wanted to read over the next few weeks in Reading class. They were also able to enjoy hot chocolate and cookies.

Congratulations to Mr. Hale's homeroom for winning the 2024 Holiday Dodgeball Tournament. This is Mr. Hales 1st championship, and his 3rd time to the big dance.


6th grade Dodgeball semifinal

LWC Intermediate student council held a toy drive for students in need this holiday season. Thank you to everyone that donated!

Students at LWC Intermediate held their annual food drive for The Exchange. Over 1,000 items were donated. Student council reps, under the supervision of Mrs. Havrevold gathered and counted items for 2 weeks. A turkey feather equaled 10 items donated by each homeroom.

Students at LWC Intermediate invited current and retired military citizens to present to students on their jobs and duties. Thank you so much for making our 1st Veteran's Day celebration one to remember!

Students at LWC Intermediate invited current and retired military citizens to present to students on their jobs and duties. Thank you so much for making our 1st Veteran's Day celebration one to remember!

Students at LWC Intermediate invited current and retired military citizens to present to students on their jobs and duties. Thank you so much for making our 1st Veteran's Day celebration one to remember!

Staff from Outdoor Campus spoke with our 6th grade students on trapping, benefits animals provide in our area, and different animals that live in South Dakota. We would like to thank them for their time and knowledge!

Thank you to Crystal Johnson for teaching our students about the constitution and balance of powers today!

Students in Mr. Saylers science class brought in Eric to teach him about open.

School buses are moving traffic signals...know when to stop! Flashing amber/yellow warning lights indicate that the bus is preparing to stop. Red flashing lights and an extended stop arm indicates that a bus is stopped! Please keep our students safe and never drive through a stopped school bus with red flashing lights and an extended stop arm!

5th grade students have been working hard on science fair projects. They were able to present them to their families and elementary students.

6th grade students did a great job presenting their genius hour projects to parents and other grade levels.

4th grade came and took a tour of LWC Intermediate today. Thank you to our 5th grade student council representatives for leading tours.

4th grade came and took a tour of LWC Intermediate today. Thank you to our 5th grade student council representatives for leading tours.

We were fortunate to have Brock Rops come to the Intermediate and talk to 6th grade students about failing forward. Great message!

Students in 5th grade math created zoos by using area and perimeter. They then took their information and used Minecraft to upload their zoo.